My House Divided

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

You Can't Eat Just One!

But the great news is you get three in a package! Woo Hoo! These are the best 100 calorie snacks that has made it's way to market as far as I'm concerned. The biggest problem is the price. I paid $3.99 for a box of six packages. The second biggest problem is they are hard to find. I had to pick these up at Target. For a chocoholic like me, I'll cough up the $4 and enjoy!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Plastic vs Glass?

I cannot stand to drink out of a plastic cup/container when I drink anything in the liquid form. Glass for me please!

Who is with me? What's your choice?

P.S. Not an exceptionally cultural, newsworthy, intellectual, thought provoking topic but none the less it is something that has become a big discussion at work recently. Results here are mixed! 50 / 50 (with a .005 percent margin of error because we voted for a couple of people without their knowledge).

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Care packages are not what they use to be.....

Dana has begun the last week of her first year at college. Finals start in a few days and she moves home next Friday.

Abby and I sent her a care package in the mail. We shopped until we found just the right thing to send to help her get through the rough days and all nighters. One might think, diet cokes, chocolate, cookies, pizzas. One would be wrong.

Our care package included one thing....... a pair of fantastic Nine West Chocolate/Bronze High Heel Shoes.