My House Divided

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Kirk won 2nd place...... yippeee!

So Kirk competed in the Arkansas Trucking Championship Rodeo for his 5th year. He always competes in the "twins" division. In the past he has placed third two times. This year he won 2nd place. In the event the winner has a wreck and can't compete Kirk goes to Nationals and competes in the twins division. Kirk was 13 points away from winning first place, turns out.

There were 9 Yellow Freight drivers competing this year. They had two 2nd place winners and 1 third place winner. A good time was had by all.

Monday, June 19, 2006

House for sale...........

Turns out that after 15 years, I have had enough. We need more room. Nothing is big enough, not the bedrooms, storage room, bathrooms or the kitchen!! Or maybe it is just because Kirk made me go look at a house that is twice the size of this one and now I just want a new one. Kinda like new car fever only more expensive. Lots more expensive. On the other hand moving sounds like my worse nightmare come true. Well everyone, keep your fingers crossed that ours sells quick, I can't stand being in limbo and I really hate keeping the house in "show" state. Not that we have accomplished that yet anyway. I'm secretly dreaming of a "sewing room" just for me. I really hope a deadbolt and cable are available.